Restoration Notifications
Announcements and notifications concerning the restoration and rebuilding process will be posted here. Check back often as this section will continue to expand.
Newly published resource: 101 Fantastic Fire Safety Websites
Waldo Canyon Fire- Final After Action Report

ColoradoSpringsFinalWaldoAAR_3April2013.pdf, 7.3 MB
Adobe Acrobat )
This city-released report covers each day of the Waldo Canyon Fire.
Lessons Learned from Waldo Canyon-Executive Summary

Waldo-Canyon-Exec-Summary_IBHS.pdf, 3.3 MB
Adobe Acrobat )
A brief summary of the Waldo Canyon Fire findings from the Fire Adapted Communities Coalition.
Lessons from Waldo Canyon

Waldo-Canyon-Rpt-FINAL-shrunk 31.pdf, 4.9 MB
Adobe Acrobat )
This pdf from the Fire Adapted Communities Coalition details what when well during the fire and what can be improved upon.
Personal Safety and Security

PersonalSafetySecurity2013.pdf, 95.2 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
Download this document to read a letter from the CSPD concerning steps to take to protect yourself and your property from predators.
Indoor Air Quality After a Wildfire

IndoorAirQualityWildfires.pdf, 201.3 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
Answering questions regarding the quality of indoor air after the Waldo Canyon Fire.
Wildfire Cleanup Guidelines

WildfireCleanupGuideance3.pdf, 232 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
El Paso County Public Health Department's guide to cleaning prior to re-entering homes damaged or burned by the Waldo Canyon Fire.
EWP Sample Letter to Congress

EWP Funding Letter.pdf, 261.5 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
Download this document to read a letter sent to various government officials at the local, state and federal level demonstrating support for the inclusion of $19.8 million for Colorado Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) funding in the Supplemental Appropriation for Disaster Assistance.
Long Term Recovery Group

LTRG Case management.pdf, 1.9 MB
Adobe Acrobat )
The Pikes Peak Region LTRG provides recovery services to individuals and families affected by the Waldo Canyon Fire. Download this PDF for information about how they can help you.
Pikes Peak United Way Relief & Recovery Assistance Guide

Waldo Canyon RR Guide 10-02-12 1700.pdf, 1.4 MB
Adobe Acrobat )
Download this document for disaster assistance and information. Updates are continuously being made to this document.
Fire Code Review Meeting: Slide Presentation

Fire_Code_Review_9-13-17-18-11v3.pdf, 5.5 MB
Adobe Acrobat )
Disaster Safety Workshop Handout

colorado-workshop-handout-blue_FINAL.pdf, 791 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
IBHS Guide to Creating a Fire Adapted Home
RIA Guidelines for Fire and Smoke Damage Repair

RIA_GuidelinesFire.pdf, 757.3 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
Looks at the evaluation of fire and smoke damage and the steps to repair the damages found. It also discusses policies and procedures for those who perform restoration work.
Low-Interest Federal Disaster Loan Information

Factsheet CO 13196.pdf, 72.9 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
Please download to view the U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Loans Fact Sheet for those affected by the Waldo Canyon Fire.
HBA Recovery Resources

Repair Revive Rebuild - round4.pdf, 697.7 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
Please download to view CSHBA's Waldo Canyon Fire recovery resources.
FEMA Community Meeting

FEMACommunityMeeting.docx, 1.8 MB
Please download to view details about a community meeting on July 23, 2012 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. to discuss flood risks and insurance. The meeting will be held at the Colorado Springs Marriott: 5580 Tech Center Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919.
Sifting and Debris Removal Tips

DebrisRemovalTips1.pdf, 71 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
Please download this document to review some useful sifting and debris removal tips.
Home Destruction Examination

rmrs_2008_cohen_j0011.pdf, 2.8 MB
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Home Destruction Examination of Grass Valley Fire: Lake Arrowhead, CA
The Difference Newsletter

TheDifference11.pdf, 2.9 MB
Adobe Acrobat )
This Colorado College newsletter titled "The Difference" provides information on the GIS Map and the time and energy spent by students in making it.
Restoring Wildfire Resources

WildRecRes.pdf, 145.9 KB
Adobe Acrobat )
Please read the PDF for the full text Sentators Michael Bennet and Mark Udall sent to President Obama asking for funding after the High Park and Waldo Canyon Fires.
Scams on the Rise
Please read about how to avoid Waldo Canyon Fire scams
BBB Alert
The fire disaster is bringing unknown businesses to this area! Some will not have good intentions. They may even pretend to be a company they are not. Do not be afraid to ask for identification, insurance and licensing as appropriate --- and, of course, do your research on the company. USE LOCAL COMPANIES and check their ratings with your BBB online or call 719-636-1155.
Remember you do NOT pay upfront in full for your house or business to be cleaned or rebuilt. It’s not normal practice to give deposits to any restoration firm or general contractor working on your business or residence until you have received payment from your insurance company to apply to the job. Deposits are generally 10 to 30 percent. Never give cash to anyone or write a check to a person rather than a business. The businesses you have contracted with will help you as you work with your insurance company.
Do not be pressured in to making a decision.
Take your time; do your research.
Mountain Shadows Area Flash Flooding Tools
PPLD Fire Archive Collection
Pikes Peak Public Library Waldo Canyon Fire Archive Collection
Preserve your stories, photos, and videos of the Waldo Canyon Fire as part of the historic record.
Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum
I wanted to extend my appreciation to you and everyone at GE Johnson for your assistance and cooperation at Dick and Francine Hansen’s house earlier this week. Without your support we couldn’t have preserved the Vespa motor scooter and several other items that help to document the Waldo Canyon fire. I know that you will be working in several other sites destroyed by the fire. I hope that if you find anything remarkable that you’ll let us know about it. We do plan to open an exhibition about the fire next June and are looking for object that help to tell this story. Thank you again!
Matt Mayberry, Director
Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum
To share your stories, please visit